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We look forward to welcoming your children to our wonderful setting in the heart of rural Wiltshire.

Opening Hours
Opening hours

We are open during term time only.


Monday 9am – 3pm        
Tuesday   9am – 3pm         
Wednesday 9am – 3pm         
Thursday 9am – 3pm          
Friday     9am – 1pm
Morning sessions are 9am - 12noon or 1pm to include lunch time


Afternoon sessions 12pm or 1pm-3pm

You can choose between morning/afternoon sessions or all day & funding can be applied to any of these hours.
Please note that due to the small nature of our setting, some sessions may not run at some times of year if numbers are insufficient.  Please contact us for more information.

Funding & Fees
What our parents say
I will forever be grateful that you gave my son your time and created a place that he has truly loved.


We welcome children from the age of 2 years either funded or fee paying. All children aged 3-4 years living in England are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare with some being entitled to 30 hours free childcare.


Parents can claim the entitlement starting from 1st January, 1st April or 1st September after their child’s 3rd birthday which allows funding for 38 weeks during the year. Children should start preschool before the “headcount week” in order to claim. 


Some 2-year olds are also eligible for 15 hours childcare, please check with the local authority to see if you are eligible. Some children may be eligible for up to 30 hours funding per week if their parents are both working at least 16 hours per week. Parents in receipt of benefits may be able to claim Early Years Pupil Premium which is extra money to support their child in preschool. In some cases Disability Access Fund (DAF) may be claimed. We make every effort to ensure that our fees remain competitive.


Children are welcome to extra sessions for which there is an hourly charge as follows:

2 years - £7.17 per hour
3 years or older - £5.21 per hour

There is a small, voluntary charge of £1.25 per session/£2.50 per day for consumables including snacks, and equipment such as paints, crayons, chalks, paper etc. There are no additional charges for parents with a child who has SEN.


Late collection of a child may result in additional fees being incurred, charged in 15-minute increments. Some activities such as trips and end of term parties may involve extra costs. Invoices are emailed before the beginning of each funding period and are to be paid in three instalments across the term. The first instalment is due in the first week. Details of how to pay will be included with your invoice.

Term times follow those of Wiltshire County Council and TD days are held in line with the school. Preschool is also shut on polling days.



Please contact us if you would like to arrange a visit to look around. We’d love to show you our wonderful preschool!
After meeting us, the next step is to complete the registration form and permission form.

Settling In
Settling In

Your child will be invited to two free settling in sessions, each lasting two hours. Parents are asked to stay for the first session.

All children are allocated a key person. The role of the key person is to help ensure that every child’s learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs, to help the child become familiar with the setting, offer a settled relationship for the child and build a relationship with their parents. The key person also completes observations and assessments.

As a small setting, each member of staff builds a relationship with every child and gets to know them well. However, if you have a concern or question, the key person should be your first point of contact where possible.

Our caring and experienced staff will take time to help your child settle in.

Children settle quickly, are happy and have positive relationships. 

Ofsted 2018


Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Identifying and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
We provide an environment in which all children with special educational needs and disabilities are supported to reach their full potential. We are experienced at supporting and caring for children with additional needs and are quick to identify the specific needs of children with SEND. Nicky Cowdry is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo). She has received specific SENCo training. Please contact her if you wish to discuss your child’s needs or if you have any concerns.


On entry to preschool, we will meet with you to discuss your child’s starting points, needs and development. Ongoing formative assessment forms part of a continuous process for observing, assessing, planning and reviewing all children’s progress. If your child is identified as having difficulty with one or more areas of development they will be given support by applying some simple strategies and resources and, if appropriate, we will complete a plan identifying targets, strategies and provisions.  

We can provide you with information on local sources of support and have systems in place for referring children for further assessment. We work in partnership with the local authority and other external agencies to ensure the best outcomes for you and your child, for example Speech and Language Services, Early Years Inclusion Advisor, Health Visitor, Devizes Opportunity Centre, Children’s Centre. In some circumstances, Inclusion Support Funding may be sought from Wiltshire Council to support your child in our setting.

Transition to Schools or another setting
We hold meetings to plan transitions for your child into their next school or setting and invite the receiving school or setting to visit preschool to observe your child and to share information. All relevant paperwork is passed on to the receiving school or setting.

Further Information
Wiltshire Council has published its Local Offer which sets out what is available in Wiltshire in relation to education and enables parents/carers and young people to access clear and comprehensive information about the support and opportunities that are available.



WHO CAN PICK MY CHILD UP FROM PRESCHOOL? The safety of all children is of the utmost importance to us. At the end of each session, parents wait outside the back door and children will be directed to their parent/guardian. If you require someone else to collect your child with whom we are unfamiliar, please notify the Manager and you may be asked to provide a password for collection.

IS THERE ANYTHING I SHOULDN'T PUT IN MY CHILD'S LUNCHBOX? To promote healthy eating please do not put sweets, fizzy drinks or chocolate snacks in children’s lunch boxes. To minimise the risk of food related allergic reactions we do not let children share food and have a nut free policy.

DO YOU OFFER SPACES TO CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS? We particularly welcome children with special needs. Our special needs co-ordinator is Nicky Cowdry and she will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also visit the Wiltshire Local Offer page which will give you further information about the support available for children with special needs.

WHAT DOES MY CHILD NEED TO BRING TO PRESCHOOL? We ask that children are dressed in practical clothing that you do not mind getting dirty whilst being appropriate for the weather. Although we do have some spare clothing, we ask parents to provide a set of spare clothes in their child’s bag. We encourage children to be independent in their self care, for example when getting ready to go outside. Easy to manage clothes and shoes will help with this. In the summer we ask for your child to bring in a sun hat and named sun cream. Please ensure you have given written permission or advised us whether you wish to have sun cream applied to your child. In the winter, please send your child in warm clothes with warm coat/hat/gloves/wellies as we like to get outside as much as possible. If your child is not toilet-trained, please bring in extra nappies and wipes. Your child also needs a packed lunch and snacks and a filled water bottle. Please ensure items are named.

ARE THERE ANY ADDITIONAL FEES? There is a small, voluntary charge of 50p per session/£1 per day for consumables including snacks, and equipment such as paints, crayons, chalks, paper etc. There are no additional charges for parents with a child who has SEN. Some activities such as trips and end of term parties may involve extra costs.

WHAT HAPPENS IF MY CHILD HAS AN ACCIDENT? Although we try our best to avoid them, accidents can happen at preschool. There is at least one member of staff trained in paediatric first aid at each session and all accidents are recorded. Parents will be informed of any incidents and asked to sign an accident form at the end of the session. If any injury is of a more serious nature parents will be contacted, and emergency medical attention sought as soon as possible. Please inform staff if your child has had an accident/injury out of session times so that we are aware and can monitor them. You will be asked to record details of the incident and sign and date it.

HOW CAN I SEE YOUR POLICIES? All policies are available to view on request. Policies are regularly revised by staff and committee to maintain optimum safety and good practice procedures.

DO YOU ACCEPT CHILDCARE VOUCHERS? Preschool is registered for the government run scheme whereby working parents can pay into an account specifically for childcare fees and the government tops up the tax element, similar to the Gift Aid system.

HOW IS SEPARATION ANXIETY HANDLED? Separation anxiety is a normal developmental stage where children experience anxiety when they are separated from their parent or carer. Some children display no separation anxiety and some children experience anxiety for several weeks.  It is important to comfort the child and let them know it is alright to cry or feel upset. Never try to sneak out while your child is engaged in an activity.  Always give a kiss or hug, say goodbye and most importantly, say that you’re coming back.  We have a lot of experience in helping children deal with separation anxiety and will provide feedback to parents during the process.

CAN MY CHILD HAVE THEIR FAVOURITE TEDDY/COMFORTER AT PRESCHOOL? Special teddies or comforters can be brought in to help children through difficult transitions or to help them settle in. Although we try hard to keep special toys safe, things can go missing in a busy childcare setting so items of high sentimental or monetary value should be kept at home.

CAN MY CHILD HAVE A NAP AT PRESCHOOL? We do not have a designated sleeping area and do not cater for regular naps. On occasions when a child falls asleep we move them somewhere appropriate, but a child needing regular daytime naps would need to attend for the morning or afternoon only.

DOES MY CHILD NEED TO BE TOILET TRAINED TO BE ABLE TO START? No, children are welcome to attend in nappies. We can assist with toilet training when your child is ready. Children should only wear pull up nappies to preschool when they are actively toilet training and should wear side fastening nappies at other times.

HOW MANY SESSIONS SHOULD MY CHILD ATTEND EACH WEEK? To assist with settling in, we suggest that two year olds attend a minimum of two sessions a week and three/four year olds attend a minimum of three sessions a week.

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